I tried reclaiming my assets on my own in 2012 and then tried again using a company who sent me a postcard in 2016. Both times nothing became of it. I was extremely doubtful when Nathan contacted me but figured what the hell. Like they say, 'third time's a charm!' Thank you! 

Grace C., Redwood City


Very professional and was kept in the loop the entire way. I'm not sure how they found me after we moved back to India but I'm fortunate that they did.I had actually forgot about an old brokerage account. 

Preetha, Pune


I'm not exactly sure how he made this work. I filed two claims in 2018 for old bank accounts for the company I ceased operating the prior year. I was not given reasons why and had contemplated hiring an attorney at times but the two quotes I got were ridiculous. Pippa and Nathan were successful when I was not.

Al, Huntington Beach


Nathan helped me through a complicated inheritance from my uncle's side because it involved 5 separate parties. Three of us were out of state so I though that was exceptionally helpful especially since one of my cousin's is a major pain to deal with. Thanks for making it easy for us all.

Janice, Des Moines


Your services were worth every pound. Thank you for all your assistance. Cheers mate!

Martin F., Cardiff